Are you in position?
In Matthew chapter 25, we see Jesus give the church a ‘parable’ concerning The 10 Virgins – representative of the churches! He is saying that the “kingdom of God will be like these 10 virgins – five were wise and five were foolish!” From this parable, Jesus is clearly showing us important points in being […]
A Bride of Impact!
The book of Revelation in the bible in the original Greek is ‘apocalipto’ – which is two words, “apo” and “calipto”. This literally means ‘the Removal of the Veil” – the revealing of all things! The mystery has now been revealed which is His church! – THE BRIDE! In revelation 21 from verse 9, the […]
Entering the Open Door
In his letter to the church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13), the Lord Jesus says that there is ‘an open door’ to the church, to remove them from the trial that is to come to the whole earth! That is some promise! Who would like to be in a church and receive that commendation!? But, what […]
“The Bride of Christ – getting ready!”
In revelation 19 :7-8 it says “ 7 Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory,for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready;8 it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.” It was granted that the ‘bride was […]
Boat of Endurance
The ministry of Jesus centered around several key areas and themes, and boats were one of these themes! In the gospels we see the use of boats illustrated in many a story. In one such story in Matthew 8:23 we see Jesus get into the boat and his disciples followed him. During this ‘boat trip’, […]
“I want to know you Jesus”
In these ever-hostile days we live, we see the signs that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 24 – “there will be wars and rumours of war, for nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. There shall be famines and pestilences, earthquakes in many places”. Jesus continues to give many other indicators to show us […]
“Ask, seek and knock!”
Jesus says in Matthew 7 :7, – “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Today, we ask ourselves, “What obstructions are in the way in seeking God and what things are stopping us from continuing to ‘knock’ the door and keep […]
“Zeal for My house”
We see Jesus twice in His ministry, display a level of passion, zeal and determination like no other! This was in the temple at Jerusalem where in making a whip of cords, he drove out the animals, money changers and caused such ‘pandemonium!’ Why? The house of the Lord, the Temple was a place of […]
“My Soul thirsts for you”
In Psalm 42, we feel the heartfelt anguish of the writer for his desire for God. There is a thirst and longing of his soul for the presence of God. When there is no desire or hunger that means you are ‘satisfied.’ Are we ‘satisfied’ for the presence of God in our lives? Are we […]
Mercy and Grace at the vineyard
Continuing our look at the story in 1 Kings 21, we see Ahab going down and taking possession of the vineyard. It had been acquired by the hand of Jezebel and her unpleasant schemes! Naboth and sons were killed as a result but the Lord saw and dispatched the prophet Elijah with a message of […]