Learning to live and walk in “The Fear of The Lord”

There are so many verses in the Bible from the many ‘Chosen’ people of God who repeat a common theme – learn to have a “reverence and Fear of the Lord”. Even Jesus himself took ‘delight in having a fear of God’ (the Father!) in Isaiah 11:3. The theme of the Holy Spirit is clear […]

Are You Chosen Too?!

In Acts chapter 7 we read of the martyrdom of the dear servant Stephen. Following this the church had dispersed and being heavily persecuted by a man called Saul spearheading this campaign against the church. Meanwhile, the Lord Jesus is looking for the ‘right man’ to now take the truth of the gospel to the […]

Are you Chosen?

The book of Jeremiah opens with a profound truth – “Before i formed you in the womb i knew you, and before you were born i consecrated you”, that is ‘set apart’ for God! When you hear the call do you respond to say ” yes Lord, here i am, send me!” In looking at […]

True Repentance has IMPACT

In the book of Luke (chapter 7:36-50) we see a story of a woman who worships at the feet of our Lord. This woman was extravagant in her worship and adoration. She publicly wept, dried her tears with her hair and anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive ointment. What was it that stirred up […]

Time for Impact!!

Following last Sunday’s sermon, it is time for the church of Jesus to have an Impact!

Build Your Altars

In our journey of faith in Jesus, there will be many times of choices to be made, which way to turn and other testing moments! But one thing we must continue to do is to have our eyes on God and continue to ‘build’ an altar of prayer and praise. We see with the story […]