Carving a New Name
How is it that a person’s life can be totally transformed? We come and give our lives to Him as we recognise Him as our Saviour and it is the beginning! The beginning of God starting a ‘transforming’ work on our lives. As we journey with Jesus we begin to change! Our old self and […]
Chiselled by the Hand of God.
The Apostle Peter says in his letter, 1 Peter 2:4-5, “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house“. A piece of stone goes through a hard process of cutting and chiselling before the […]
As it was in the beginning….
In Acts chapter 2, we see the glorious day of Pentecost. Around 120 followers of Christ were gathered for 10 days and then after, the Holy Spirit fell on them all with tongues of fire appearing over them! Jesus had begun acquiring a ‘Church’ – people set aside to serve Him and be witnesses to […]
“I AM coming for My Bride.”
Jesus loves His Church. He really does! But do we as Christians, the church love Him? A time of Great Tribulation is coming upon the whole earth, a time like no other when God will pour out His wrath on all ungodliness. There is much discussion and varying points of view, whether Jesus will ‘snatch’ […]
How much longer left?
So, the 2024 Olympic Games makes a joke out of the ‘Last Supper.’ The Son of God, who left heaven to die on a cross for the sins of the world is ‘mocked’ and ridiculed. You wonder that the reaction would have been quite different if ‘another’ ‘religion and prophet was ridiculed. But then again, […]
God is our strength!
To whom or what do you look to when you are feeling weak and powerless? When all feels hopeless and there is little else left in your energy reserves? In Isaiah 40, verses 29 to 30 says, – “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and […]
We all have a part to play.
In looking through the Bible, there are many stories of how God used ordinary people to fulfil His purposes and plan for the world. Every single person has a part to play in this, especially to be used in the body of the Church of Jesus Christ. Your purpose, your calling is given to each […]
“Let us build – for the lost are coming home”
In the continuation of Nehemiah’s story, we see that though there was much opposition the walls of Jerusalem were built! Praise God for Nehemiah’s strength in the midst of such hostility and opposition! We then read in chapter 7, a description of the number of ‘exiles’ who then returned to Jerusalem, around 50,000 people returned […]
Who will answer the call?
In these days we find ourselves in, who are the people that God can raise up to fulfil His purposes before Jesus takes His church? Who are those who hear from God, seek God, know His heart and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into their calling and destiny? We see many examples of […]
What’s in your hand?
After God had told Moses he wanted him to draw his people out of Egypt, Moses offered up excuses to get out of it. In Exodus 4 God asked Moses ‘What’s in your hand?’ Moses replied ‘A Rod’God can change the world with a click of his finger, yet he chooses to use people to […]