The ‘Priority’ report.

In the book of Luke chapter 10, we see Jesus entering the house of a woman called Martha. What an honour this was, to have Jesus come and spend time in your house! However, Martha was busy cleaning and preparing things whilst her sister Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to every […]

“I will build my Church” – Phase 5. ‘Sardis, the dead church’

For over a thousand years and more, under the oppression of the holy roman empire and its clergy, the bible was not made available to the people. In some instances, the bible which was still in Latin was chained to the pulpits and to be read only by the clergy! With the true Word of […]

“I will build My church” – Phase 4. Thyatira, the counterfeit ‘church’.

During the reign of Constantine, the ‘church’ and Christianity was brought into the Roman empire. As highlighted in the letter to Pergamum, the ‘church’ of Christ had now been married to the State. But the Bride of Christ is espoused to one husband, that is Jesus himself! Coming out of the demise of the Roman […]

Walking with the Resurrected King

Following His resurrection, Jesus comes alongside two of his disciples walking away from Jerusalem to another town! In a remarkable account, we see that though Jesus holds a conversation with them, gives a Bible study and rebukes them, they still do not recognise him! Is it possible that we can be walking with Jesus and […]

Awaken to make an Impact

For ‘forty’ days after his ‘resurrection’, Jesus appeared and met with his disciples many times. In one of these appearances and meetings, Jesus came alongside and showed two discouraged disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24) how he fulfilled all the scriptures. Wow, a bible study with the Word of God Himself! After the […]

Finished at the Cross

From having being created good, the sin in Eden resulted in the basic nature of man becoming corrupted. This corrupt fallen nature was carried down through every individual from one generation to the next. Some 2500 years on God called a man, separated him from his homeland and through him the Jewish nation came. Through […]

Fasting that opens your Spiritual Eyes

In the book of Acts chapter 9, we see the dramatic conversion of Paul following a direct encounter with the Lord Jesus. Following this encounter Paul was left blind for three days and did not eat! That was some encounter that makes you lose your appetite! Why was Paul blinded by his meeting with Jesus? […]

“I will build My Church” – Phase 3

Following ten different time periods of horrendous persecution for Christ’s Church under Roman Emperors, there came along an Emperor who issued an edict to halt the persecutions. His name was Emperor Constantine. It was finally good news and a cessation of torture and persecution and surely it was onwards and upwards and the Church would […]

Born out of Barrenness.

Throughout scripture, we see there are many instances where women were found barren, where God had closed the womb. There are actually seven women who found themselves barren, but they were to find out that in their barrenness and waiting on God, they were to learn about themselves and more importantly God’s providential plan for […]

“I WILL build MY Church!” – Phase 2

In Matthew 16 verse 17-18, Jesus responds to Peter’s confession that He is the Christ with –17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail […]