The Transforming Power of God’s Grace

The Apostle Paul writes to the Church of Ephesus, in chapter 2 – verses 8 and 9, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can […]

What is truth?

Today there is more confusion than ever before. There is an agenda from the devil to even make people believe that they can be anything. Even a cat! And you cannot say anything as you will be accused of ‘suppressing them’. The truth of marriage, gender, what is life and more contribute to a world […]

“Not just for Christmas!”

Every year there are gifts and presents given and shared. But, sometimes as the festivities come to a close, the gifts that were once so popular or were the ‘must-have’ present for the year can easily be forgotten! It is not too often that some gifts can make an impact to change lives! Firstly, our […]

Your Faith Changes History

In the book of Hebrews chapter 11, we see people of the Bible commended by their ‘faith in God’, and in verse 31 we read of Rahab,-“31 By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace”. The story of Rahab begins in the book of Joshua. […]

Two Kingdoms

Ever since the incident in the Garden of Eden, (Garden means ‘paradise’) where satan deceived Eve to the eating of the apple, therefore disobeying God, there has been an enmity between two kingdoms. Man’s rebellion and kingdom on earth versus the Light of the Kingdom of God! The seed of sin and rebellion was now […]

The Slippery Slope

A slippery slope is a most dangerous place for anyone. One small minor step on an ice-covered slope turns into a catastrophe. From a small step, it all ends with a dramatic fall, bruises and any range of injuries! This is how it is in all areas of our world, our lives and the Church […]

Digging deep foundations

In the close of His Famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus concludes by saying, “Matthew 7:24, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Do we hear the words of Jesus and do them? Do we spend time on what […]

A Thief in the Night

A professional thief goes to great lengths when planning a burglary. He studies the security system; he watches and monitors the building and the routines of the people. He also knows that what he is coming to steal is a priceless and genuine jewel. Why then, does Jesus use such an analogy in describing how […]

End Time Deception

The most popular theme that reoccurs time and time again in the New Testament is one that should make us stand up and be watchful. It is ‘deception.’ The New Testament writers echo the warnings given by Jesus in the Gospels and the Apostle Paul gives this warning to the Church in Corinth. Paul begins […]

‘sweet and sour’

It is rare that two ingredients so far apart in taste, such as ‘sweet and sour’, can actually be found in one place together. And we are not talking about a ‘speciality food dish’. We find this combination in the Word of God! In the book of Revelation chapter 10, the Apostle John is instructed […]