A Thief in the Night

A professional thief goes to great lengths when planning a burglary. He studies the security system; he watches and monitors the building and the routines of the people. He also knows that what he is coming to steal is a priceless and genuine jewel. Why then, does Jesus use such an analogy in describing how […]

End Time Deception

The most popular theme that reoccurs time and time again in the New Testament is one that should make us stand up and be watchful. It is ‘deception.’ The New Testament writers echo the warnings given by Jesus in the Gospels and the Apostle Paul gives this warning to the Church in Corinth. Paul begins […]

‘sweet and sour’

It is rare that two ingredients so far apart in taste, such as ‘sweet and sour’, can actually be found in one place together. And we are not talking about a ‘speciality food dish’. We find this combination in the Word of God! In the book of Revelation chapter 10, the Apostle John is instructed […]


In his 1st letter to the Thessalonians chapter 4, Paul is writing and comforting the Church saying ‘do not worry, those who have fallen asleep (died) in Christ, will be raised to life as Jesus was too! And those who are alive at the time Christ comes to remove His Church, they will not precede […]

“What am I thinking?!”

One of the battle grounds as Christians is in our mind and the thoughts that enter. There are definitely times when thoughts appear unannounced and unexpectedly! We can allow these thoughts to take root, and we then start to play out scenarios of those thoughts and giving them a stage. Some of these thoughts can […]

Valley of dry bones awaken…..

In the book of Ezekiel chapter 37, we see a familiar story of the Valley of dry bones. Ezekiel is commanded to prophesy to the bones, that the breath of God would come upon them, and they would stand and become an army! This scripture written some 2500 years passed would be fulfilled when from […]

“Everything in the garden – is growing nicely”

In our walk with Jesus, there are times when we feel we are in the midst of storms! These moments in our lives can appear to make Jesus and hearing from him so hard if not at all! But we see in the story of the ‘windstorm’ on the lake of Galilee, that Jesus was […]

Watering the Seed

At the cross of Calvary Jesus died for us to give us new life in him. He left us the Holy Spirit to grow and mentor us in this new life. So, we too like the Psalmist Sing and say All my springs are in thee (Psalm87:7) The seed (Word Of God) sown in us […]

“…..and then Your Glory fell!”

From the book of 2 Chronicles, we see the building of the Temple of God in Jerusalem under the guidance of King Solomon. We see the preparation, the detail of following the blueprint of the temple, the sacrifice and earnest prayer. But the preparation began previously in 1 Chronicles with King Solomon’s father, King David. […]

“Set the donkey free!”

In the book of Matthew 21 verses 2 to 3, we see Jesus saying:- “Go into the village over there,” he said. “As soon as you enter it, you will see a donkey tied there, with its colt beside it. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord […]