“…..and then Your Glory fell!”

From the book of 2 Chronicles, we see the building of the Temple of God in Jerusalem under the guidance of King Solomon. We see the preparation, the detail of following the blueprint of the temple, the sacrifice and earnest prayer.

But the preparation began previously in 1 Chronicles with King Solomon’s father, King David. He acknowledged that his son would be the one to oversee the building of the Temple but called on the people for their ‘freewill offerings’ for the future building of the temple. (1 Chronicles 29) So much was offered by the people, much was freely given! And as it continued under King Solomon following, the work continued in the building and all the furnishings!

After many sacrifices were offered up following the completion of the Temple, Solomon blessed the people and offered up a prayer of dedication! Then the FIRE of God FELL on the temple and the presence was such that the Priests could not enter the temple!

We all yearn for the manifest presence of the Glory of God but at what cost? Are we yearning, praying earnestly, offering ourselves as a ‘freewill offering’ to the Lord? Do we grieve for the state of our towns and nation? Do we thirst for Jesus and His Holy Spirit to touch and revive this nation again? It starts with us. Let us thirst for God, let us pray earnest prayers, let us recognise that He is Holy and we are His Worshippers in Spirit and Truth!

Once we are positioned with humility, compassion, walking in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, just maybe God will once again manifest Himself as throughout history. Let us prepare our hearts in readiness so we can say, “and then Your Glory fell!”