Walking in the Spirit vs walking in flesh. Galatians 5 : 16 -26
A Christian life is not passive submission but active surrender. We cannot wake up and think, as the Holy Spirit is in us, we can just say to The Spirit -You lead us. Then we turn around and do whatever we like – see what we like, go where we want and then say, – “The Spirit has led me.” Complete active surrender is needed from our part in order to walk in the Spirit. It is a mystery that we can only understand when we start walking alongside the Spirit. God is commanding us to walk in the Spirit. Paul is reminding us that as we yield and allow the Spirit to work in us, we will bear much fruit. Fruit that is not manufactured but a consequence of His work in us. Jesus said to his disciples in John 15:8 “By this My Father is glorified that you bear much fruit, so you will be my disciples.” Let us stay in the Vine, be led by the Holy Spirit and bear much Fruit.