Following Jesus as our Lord and Saviour in this world is not always easy and straightforward! We should ‘long’ to be with our Lord, to experience His presence to sustain us in this world whilst we wait for His return. This is the primary reason for the Holy Spirit! The Spirit dwells within believer’s, to guide, counsel, strengthen and comfort. He is always with us – and in Romans chapter 8(v5-11), the apostle Paul outlines what it is to live in the Spirit whilst in the world. We have to ‘set’ our minds on Christ and the things of the ‘Spirit’ – “this is life and peace” says the apostle Paul. Desiring Christ and the things of Christ will give ‘life’ to our mortal bodies, and we will be moving closer in doing His will for our lives. Spending time in prayer, the Word of God and being more and more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit will assist greatly in ‘Living in the realms of the Spirit’ -whilst living our days on this earth. Praise His name forever more!