
In his 1st letter to the Thessalonians chapter 4, Paul is writing and comforting the Church saying ‘do not worry, those who have fallen asleep (died) in Christ, will be raised to life as Jesus was too! And those who are alive at the time Christ comes to remove His Church, they will not precede those who have died but be ‘caught-up’ with them to meet the Lord! This event is commonly known as the ‘rapture’.

The Lord Jesus is coming to ‘remove’ His Beloved, (the Church in His eyes) from the coming period on earth, known as the Great Tribulation. A period where the wrath of God is poured out on the earth bringing justice for all the sin and immorality and to judge the devil and his angels. It is coming soon.

Jesus promises to remove His Beloved Church from this final 7-year period coming. (Revelation 3:10) But, only those who are living for Jesus! Do you love Him?

The word ‘rapture’ or to be ‘enraptured’ has an alternative meaning. It means a feeling of intense pleasure or joy, a delight beyond measure!” This is how Jesus feels about His TRUE CHURCH! Jesus is ‘enraptured’ by His Church living and loving Him! And a union has to be reciprocal! A bride must love the husband equally!

Therefore, this is indeed a truly significant event! Jesus, who is ‘enraptured’ with His beloved, will ‘rapture’ those whom are ‘enraptured’ in Him!

Are you going to be ready?