“Let us build – for the lost are coming home”

In the continuation of Nehemiah’s story, we see that though there was much opposition the walls of Jerusalem were built! Praise God for Nehemiah’s strength in the midst of such hostility and opposition!

We then read in chapter 7, a description of the number of ‘exiles’ who then returned to Jerusalem, around 50,000 people returned to Jerusalem upon completion of the walls. The exiled and the lost returned home because Nehemiah answered the grief in his heart upon hearing the news of the fate of Jerusalem. One man made a difference.

Jesus is looking for His Church to make a difference. Are there a people who have the burden for the things of God? Do we grieve and mourn for the lost, for sin and the worsening of our society and its values? Jesus says in Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” Jesus continues to say in Matthew 9:37 to say there are many lost! The people are truly lost, and it is time for the Church and its builders to work together and resist the enemy. Jesus says HE will have His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail – He will have a Church, a home for the lost to come home! Let us indeed build – the lost are coming “HOME!”