As we are approaching fast the end of two thousand years of church history, the period of time spoken by Jesus, what is happening with this ‘last’ church phase?
Prophetically, Laodicea represents the final phase of the church. With the imminent return of Christ to take the Bride (His true Church), and the days of God’s judgement and victory, surely the final church will be preaching salvation through Christ and being a true witness of Him? Well, we see in this letter to the Laodiceans, Jesus is not too happy.
The church here is a ‘self-satisfied’ church, enjoying its blessed position of being healthy and wealthy, but Jesus tells them, in Revelation 3:17:- “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” The current state of this church makes Jesus even say “because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue you out of my mouth”.
We need to understand our position in history for ‘such a time as this’. We are placed as such, to ‘walk’ with Jesus, be a true and faithful witness for Christ and to please God. Just like someone else in history, who prophesied the coming of God’s judgement on a world, resulting in the great flood. Enoch was the ‘seventh’ from Adam, and it was said walked with God and by faith pleased God. It says in Genesis 5:24,:- “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” By being faithful and being a witness and voice for what was coming, God ‘removed’ -‘raptured’ Enoch from the forthcoming judgement.
The Church at this time, need to walk as Enoch walked. Being a true and faithful witness, pleasing God and enduring for the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, we WILL be the Bride that Jesus will come and be found ready, as He comes like a thief in the night.
Let us be like the ‘wise’ virgins from the parable in Matthew 25, dressed ready and with plenty of oil in our jars and lamps!