In the book of Luke chapter 10, we see Jesus entering the house of a woman called Martha. What an honour this was, to have Jesus come and spend time in your house! However, Martha was busy cleaning and preparing things whilst her sister Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to every word that he spoke! Martha turned and said “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10: 41-42)
Jesus said that Mary had chosen the ‘good’ portion. The Word of God, Jesus, was speaking and it deserved her very best attention. Mary was not going to be distracted being busy when she could sit at the feet of the Lord and receive the ‘real food’ that sustains our whole being.
Some treat ‘church’ like this. The hours of preparation and prayer in bringing the Word of God is not given ‘Priority’. We can get easily distracted with ‘doing’ and ‘preparing’ than ‘prioritising’ the Word of God – that is being spoken! Even when we are in church, is Jesus given our best? Are our thoughts and hearts elsewhere? Is Jesus the ‘Priority’ – really? Is Jesus the great pearl of great value? Jesus says that in Him and having Him, is like the merchant who sold ALL that he had in finding that great pearl! (Matthew 13:44)
Mary knew that THE GREAT PEARL was speaking, and she was not going to let anything distract her from listening to His voice. Will your end of term ‘report’, like Mary’s, show that Jesus was the priority?