The book of Esther is a most intriguing book of the Old Testament. Esther – meaning ‘secret/hidden’ – does indeed have many hidden patterns of the outworkings of God and His Word, the Bible.
The story of Esther starts with a ‘seven’ day period in a garden and Queen Vashti disobeying an order. After which an instruction is given, for the ‘seven’ servants of the King to search for a new bride for the King. After a 12month ‘process’ of cleansing and beautifying, Esther, a Jew is chosen from many to become the Queen.
Right at the end of the story of Esther, we see Esther’s older guardian and cousin Mordecai, being exalted and paraded on a white horse, as his nemesis Haman fails in his plot to kill Mordecai and destroy the Jews! The Bible is similar in pattern! In the Garden of God, Eve disobeys an order specifically given not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil! And since then, the ‘7’ fold Holy Spirit is seeking a Bride for the second Adam – The Lord Jesus Christ! 1 Corinthians verse 45 says- “So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.” It is also written in Revelation 19 verses 11 to 13, that the Lord Jesus overcame death and rides in Victory on a white Horse! Hallelujah!
The book of Esther starts in a garden and ends with a righteous and faithful man overcoming and riding on a horse. The Bible also, starts in a garden and ends in Victory with the righteous and faithful Jesus riding a white horse. We know how the story ends, Esther did not. But in the midst of her story, she played an instrumental part by declaring a fast for 3 days for her people. The situation her people faced was beyond her control and spiritual. All that she could do was take this request in prayer, on her knees in fasting to Almighty God. For her the situation was impossible, but not for Almighty God. Before the victory, the Bride of the King prayed and fasted for her nation and people.
We know that Jesus will ride Victorious on a white horse, followed by His saints dressed in white and pure linen, whom are those who have carried out righteous deeds whilst ‘saved’ and on earth. Queen Esther did not just enjoy her position as a Bride of the King. She was in position for “such a time as this”(Esther 4:14) to do an important ‘righteous deed.’ The Bride of Christ (His Church) also is positioned for such a time to save people.
Therefore, beginning in the garden and before Jesus rides in victory, will the Bride pray and ‘Fast?’ We all face situations that look so hard, whether it is children and family lost and in bondage, family in addictions or the evil of witchcraft and the occult. Let us believe God of the impossible, and like Esther know that God is working behind the scenes as we ‘Fast’ to VICTORY!”