The ministry of Jesus centered around several key areas and themes, and boats were one of these themes! In the gospels we see the use of boats illustrated in many a story. In one such story in Matthew 8:23 we see Jesus get into the boat and his disciples followed him. During this ‘boat trip’, a serious and violent storm arose and threatened the safety of them all – whilst Jesus was asleep! The disciples panicked, shouting, “Jesus, wake up, do you not care, we are going to die!” When we make a decision to love and follow Jesus, we choose to go into whatever ‘boat’ he leads us. And in the journey of following Jesus, we will face the inevitable storms of life! It is not a ‘pleasure boat trip’ in the sense of a life of calm waters, but of one having peace in the storm! Jesus was asleep in the storm! He had peace in the storm! The peace that overrides the sometimes chaotic and events that threaten externally and bring sometimes suffering and persecution! But He is in the boat with you! Jesus rebuked the disciples with their lack of faith, and in an instant, ‘spoke’ to the storm and it died down! He had authority over the storm! In whatever storms arise in our lives as a result of following Jesus, he knows and understands your predicament! But He is showing us that with the faith you have, you know that Jesus is in the boat and you have ‘peace’ in the storm. All people have ‘storms’ and difficult moments – but as believer’s in Christ we have Jesus in our ‘Boat of endurance.’